Wednesday, October 17, 2012


October 8, 2012, while sitting at lunch I was praying for my son and I began to write this declaration about his life.  The Word of God says in Job 22:28 You shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established to you: and the light shall shine on your ways.

I wrote it for my son, but feel free to decree for your children also.

I denounce every negative word spoken over my son's life and every negative thought towards him.
I decree that my son is not a liar, but an honest and truthful young man.
I decree that my son is not a munipulator, but he is on that uses wisdom and walks in the favor of God.
I decree that my son is not a beggar, but he is the head and not the tail. He is above and not beneath.
I decree that my son is not a failure, but he is a winner and conqueror of all his obstacles.
I decree that my son is not a conartist, but his a giver to many.
I decree that my son is not depressed, but he is full of joy and expectation.
I decree that my son is not a user of drugs or alcohol,  he honors his body as the temple of the Holy Spirit
I decree that my son is not a lover of the things of this world, God is the lover of his soul.
I decree that my son is not rebellious, but he is obedient and reverance authority.
I decree that my son does not belong to Satan, he is a child of the Most High God, Jesus Christ.
I decree that my son was not a mistake, he is a part of God's perfect plan to be here on this earth.
I decree that my son is not fatherlerss, he has a good relationship with his Father and the FATHER.
I decree that he is a role model for many young men and women.
I decree that he is a man after God's own heart.
I decree that he has a successful, blessed future in God
I decree greatness for him in the name of Jesus Christ.   Amen!

And it is so... From Me To You, LaDonna

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