Sunday, March 29, 2009

There Must Be More


Today, I just need to be myself. I need to express myself in my writing. I'm just going to write as if I was talking, so there's no editing. I have to say, I really admire the writer Hudson Russell Davis. He's a brother that truly expresses himself and his feelings in his writing. Saturday night, I sat in the third night of an awesome conference"The River" with Eagles Wings. As I sat there during worship, my spirit was so heavy. I felt like I needed to talk to someone and get this thing off me. Yes, I know I was sitting in the prescence of God and I should have been able to release it there. But, I didn't. I took a walk outside and called a friend. She knew immediately that something was wrong with me. I began to share with her how good God has been to me. I'm a single mother, He has given me the grace to raise a black male child during a time when the enemy is trying so hard to wipe them out. I've been through so much since I dedicated my life to Christ in 1992. I slipped away from God for a little while, but He never left me and eventually three years later I returned to the one that loved me inspite of my messed up self. So, I kept telling her more of what God has done. He's kept me in my right mind. Being evidicted from apartments, being rejected by the men in my relationships, just struggling to keep ends together for me and my son. The lost of my Aunt Betty, then not even a year later the loss of my cousin Stevie who was just a year younger than I and the most devastating to me was the death of my Grandma Evelyn. She died in 2007 a day after turning 80. I still find myself in tears thinking about her. Then, finding love and losing that too. Was it really love? Yet, through all my situations, I kept being obedient to God. He said move; I moved. He said give; I gave. He said preached the Gospe; I accepted the call. He said start a singles ministry; I, despite my feelings of wanted to be married, I started a singles ministry. He said walk away from that relationship; I walked away. And here I am in a new season of my life. Things are going great for me. Ministry is striving, I'm better secure in my finances, many doors are opening for ministry and business opportunities, but but but but but but my spirit was just crying out for more. I told her I was sorry, I didn't want to sound ungrateful, but I just couldn't ignore this feeling. I finally told her, my longing and desire to be married. I have felt God's love through friends, I've felt His touch through healing, I've felt His arms around me in my times of worship, but my spirit wants to know His love for me in a husband. I'm 36 years old and I just want to know God's love in a different way. There's more, God has more and I want to have more.
I went back into the conference and after about 10 minutes of being back in there, the Holy Spirt began to speak to my soul. The spirit of the Lord used a young man by the name of Leon Timbo to minister in song how my spirit was feeling. "Lord I kneel crying out for something real, cause I know deep in my soul, there must be more and Lord I'm tired yes I'm weak I need your power to work in me, but God I can't let it go, I keep hanging on to the old, but there must be more, gotta be more than what I've seen. There must be more." By the way, before I went back in, the last thing my friend said to me was, "ask the Lord to speak to you". My God did He speak. The anointing that was upon this brother's voice, I don't think anybody could have expressed my inner feeling like that. As a matter of fact I know they couldn't, because that was supernaturally done by the holy spirit.
Today is a new day, and the Word of the Lord spoken by His prophets at my church, MetroChurch, today was such great confirmation. As the prophets declared, "God was getting ready to move suddenly, things you have been waiting for, God was going to do it suddently. It's a new season for you, your anointing is different, you will speak different, you will minister different, the way you use to handle things, the same old tactics will not work in this season. Do something you usually wouldn't do, come out of yourself."
I love the Lord, my song in the spirit was Lord I have an ear to hear what the spirit is saying, now speak to me. "There is More and I'm going to give it to you, SUDDENLY"

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Power of God's Love

Acts 3
The Power of God's Love

Have you ever witnessed your friends, family or even a stranger deal with something and you wished you could just make everything all right? I'm sure you have. As I began to prepare myself to hear from God, I thought about some of the people in my life and the things they're dealing with; things such as loss of job, one income, loneliness, frustration, repeated battles, health issues, etc. I said to myself, if I had a million dollars I could pay the rent for this one, if I could remove all the loneliness and pain for the other, if I could make things right for everybody, that is what I would do. Then, the Lord quietly reminded me how From Me To You Ministries came about. You and I have more than a million dollars. We can help remove the loneliness and pain, we can help them get rid of the continual battles. Yes, that's right, we can do that. How?

From Me To You Ministries was birthed because of a passion that I received from the Lord to help young people become better individuals. I didn't have much to offer them, "so I thought", but then the Holy Spirit led me to the story of Peter and the beggar at the gate called Beautiful. Peter made it plain and simple; I don't have silver and gold to give, but I do have something and that is the power of God's love which I give to you today.

Our vision is to see people empowered by the power of God's love. His love is so powerful that He looked over our sinful nature and sent His only begotten Son to die for you and I, and whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. We each have our own personal testimony of salvation, healing, deliverance, etc. It was not our good works that saved us, but it was because of His love for us that caused His grace to move in our lives. So the day we accepted Jesus as our Personal Savior we became equipped and empowered with the power of God's love. Now today, just like Peter, we can give the stranger, the friend, the family member and the world what we have and that is "the power of God's love".

Understand that you have something the world needs and it's time for you to give God's love back to the the world. You can say to those in need, I may not have what you think you need, but from me to you, by the power of God's love that is invested in me, in the name of Jesus Christ, be healed, be delivered, be made whole, be joyful....rise up and walk.

Your Publisher of the Word,
LaDonna M. Cromartie